• Bug
  • Status: Closed
  • 2 Major
  • Resolution: Fixed
  • Integration Modules
  • hhuynh
  • Reporter: hhuynh
  • July 29, 2008
  • 0
  • Watchers: 0
  • September 08, 2008
  • August 01, 2008


User using 2.6.2 and had an old tc.properties that references some 2.6.1 module. What we got in that situation is only a NullpointerException with no useful info to help detect this. It took too much time to debug in the dark.

We need more logging.



Kalai Kannaiyan 2008-07-29

It is not safe to add the default modules in the tc.properties file because module versions are changing for each release.

Kalai Kannaiyan 2008-07-29

Tested with Terracotta 2.7.0-stable0, as of 20080728-210703 (Revision 9506 by cruise@WXPMO0 from 2.7), got better logging info. But the log should specify the root-cause of the problem (i.e, about tc.properties file)


  1. Install the kit
  2. copy the old tc-properties under /install-root/lib
  3. Launch the session configurator and start the TC server and tomcat5.5

Actual: Tomcat failed to start

Here is the output:

Using CATALINA_BASE: C:\Program Files\Terracotta\terracotta-2.7.0-stable0\tools\sessions\configurator-sandbox\tomcat5.5\9081 Using CATALINA_HOME: C:\Program Files\Terracotta\terracotta-2.7.0-stable0\vendors\tomcat5.5 Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: C:\Program Files\Terracotta\terracotta-2.7.0-stable0\tools\sessions\configurator-sandbox\tomcat5.5\9081\temp Using JRE_HOME: C:\Program Files\Terracotta\terracotta-2.7.0-stable0\jre 2008-07-29 12:25:03,890 INFO - Terracotta 2.7.0-stable0, as of 20080728-210703 (Revision 9506 by cruise@WXPMO0 from 2.7) 2008-07-29 12:25:04,953 INFO - Configuration loaded from the file at ‘C:\Program Files\Terracotta\terracotta-2.7.0-stable0\tools\sessions\configurator-sandbox\tomcat5.5\tc-config.xml’. 2008-07-29 12:25:05,375 INFO - Log file: ‘C:\Program Files\Terracotta\terracotta-2.7.0-stable0\tools\sessions\configurator-sandbox\logs\client-logs\tomcat-9081\terracotta-client.log’. 2008-07-29 12:25:06,296 FATAL - Unable to resolve dependency TIM: excludes-config version 2.6.0.SNAPSHOT (group-id: org.terracotta.modules)

Attempted to resolve the TIM using the following descriptors:

  groupId: org.terracotta.modules
  name   : excludes-config
  Version: 2.6.0.SNAPSHOT

Expected the TIM’s filename to be:


Expected these attributes to be in the manifest:

  Bundle-SymbolicName: org.terracotta.modules.excludes-config
  Bundle-Version     : 2.6.0.SNAPSHOT

Searched using the following repositories:

  + C:\Program Files\Terracotta\terracotta-2.7.0-stable0\modules

Tried to resolve the jar file using the following paths:

  + C:\Program Files\Terracotta\terracotta-2.7.0-stable0\modules\org\terracotta\modules\excludes-config\2.6.0-SNAPSHOT\excludes-config-2.6.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
  + C:\Program Files\Terracotta\terracotta-2.7.0-stable0\modules\excludes-config-2.6.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

The following shows the dependencies path the resolver took and why it needed to locate the missing TIM:

  excludes-config version 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT (group-id: org.terracotta.modules, file: excludes-config-2.6.0-SNAPSHOT.jar)

If the jar file exists and is in one of the paths listed above, make sure that the Bundle-SymbolicName and Bundle-Version attribute in its manifest matches the ones that the resolver expects.

If you do not have this particular TIM or any of its dependencies installed, try using the tim-get tool’s ‘install’ command:

  C:\> tim-get.bat install excludes-config 2.6.0.SNAPSHOT org.terracotta.modules

You can also use the tool’s ‘list’ command to see if it’s actually available:

  C:\> tim-get.bat list excludes-config   # list anything that has 'excludes-config' in it's name
  C:\> tim-get.bat list                   # or, list everything that is available

For more information on how to use the tim-get tool, invoke:

  C:\> tim-get.bat help 

Fiona OShea 2008-08-01

Messaging is clearer in 2.7 and no NPE!