CDV ❯ bootjar tool spits out a stacktrace when scan fails
Status: Closed
1 Critical
Resolution: Fixed
Admin Console,Build & Test,Console
Reporter: juris
March 23, 2008
Watchers: 0
September 11, 2008
August 12, 2008
bootjar tool spits out a stacktrace when scan fails.
when the bootjar tool attempts to create a bootjar, it will first perform a scan if it needs to build the bootjar, it will also verify if the bootjar it built is valid. if it finds something wrong, it will abort, and spit out a message and the stacktrace.
it should not spit out a stacktrace, this makes it look like the bootjar tool error’d out, instead of the config (to build the bootjar) or that the scan detected an invalid bootjar… we should just print a message indicating what was/is wrong with the bootjar or config, but log the error message and stacktrace instead.
Juris Galang 2008-03-25
Fiona OShea 2008-03-25
Not until 2.6.1, so not right now. 2.6.1 timeline will be discussed in the next couple of weeks.
Fiona OShea 2008-08-12
do this in 2.7
Should we proceed with this?