CDV ❯ Hibernate SessionFactory.close() will shutdown CacheManager which will cause an IllegalStateException when other nodes try to access the 2nd level cache
Status: Closed
2 Major
Resolution: Fixed
Reporter: asi
August 16, 2007
Watchers: 1
October 27, 2008
September 06, 2007
If an app invoke hibernate SessionFactory.close() when running ehcache, it will shutdown CacheMaanger. When running in a cluster, since the CacheManager is shared, other node will get an IllegalStateException when trying to access the CacheManager later.
Fiona OShea 2007-08-17
Antonio Si 2007-08-20
For the time being, I am making the SessionFactory.close() method an no-op.
Please let me know if there is any concerns/issues.
Russell Pitre 2007-08-30
This jira issue says there is a workaround but does not describe what it is. Does anyone know what the workaround is?
Antonio Si 2007-08-30
The SessionFactory.close() calls org.hibernate.cache.EhCache.destroy() which removes a cache and calls org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider.stop() which shutdowns the CacheManager.
For the time being, we are making these 2 methods an no-op when hibernate with ehcache as 2nd level cache running in a clustered mode.
Russell Pitre 2007-08-30
I’m running Terracotta 2.4.1 at the moment. How do i configure this for the time being untill the fix is released?
Antonio Si 2007-09-06
The fixes will be available in the upcoming releases or our nightly build.
Take care of this at the Hibernate level