• New Feature
  • Status: Open
  • 3 Minor
  • Resolution:
  • X-System Administration
  • prodmgmt
  • Reporter: erezhara
  • August 09, 2007
  • 0
  • Watchers: 0
  • March 19, 2010


I would like to know which classes should be instrumented so i can remove the ** include. however, the admin console only lists the leaf level classes, while at runtime terracotta demands to have all parents as well defined in includes. so, if the admin console had listed all the classes needed at runtime, it would be much easier and faster to configure and fewer people would be using ** and suffer the additional overhead.. another option is a syntax or an attribute in to include the class and all its parents.


Eugene Kuleshov 2007-08-09

We do have support for including subclasses or implementations of given interface (using Foo+ expression) as well as including classes with given annotation (@Clustered Foo).

Our expression matcher that could potentially match on the superclasses (something like Foo#), but it need to be enabled…