CDV ❯ inconsistent policy towards identity keys in shared maps
New Feature
Status: Open
2 Major
eng group
Reporter: teck
November 19, 2009
Watchers: 0
February 10, 2010
For maps that have striped locking (eg.j.u.c.ConcurrentHashMap or our ConcurrentDistributedMap) we have differing behavior for identity keys (ie. those that don’t override hashCode() and rely strictly on object identity).
At the moment those types of keys will just silently not really work in CDM. In CHM we manufacture a stable cross-VM hash function for *most* keys in this category, but throw an exception for non-literal, un-shared keys w/o a hashCode() override.
This JIRA is to make a decision about the behavior and make it consistent
Fiona OShea 2010-01-18
Tim Eck 2010-01-18
Nothing has been done with this. CHM and CDM differ still differ in this respect.
Tim Eck 2010-01-27
this is still sitting in santiago! moving to unknown and back to DRB
Did we do something for this already?